Browse Source

Merge pull request #97 from JoeSimsen/master

Allow a release to be zipped
Andrés Montañez 10 years ago
  1. 452
  2. 127
  3. 13
  4. 333


@ -51,200 +51,260 @@ abstract class AbstractTask
* Configuration
* @var Config;
protected $config = null;
* Indicates if the Task is running in a Rollback
* @var boolean
protected $inRollback = false;
* Indicates the Stage the Task is running ing
* @var string
protected $stage = null;
* Extra parameters
* @var array
protected $parameters = array();
* Returns the Title of the Task
* @return string
public abstract function getName();
* Runs the task
* @return boolean
* @throws Exception
* @throws ErrorWithMessageException
* @throws SkipException
public abstract function run();
* Task Constructor
* @param Config $config
* @param boolean $inRollback
* @param string $stage
* @param array $parameters
public final function __construct(Config $config, $inRollback = false, $stage = null, $parameters = array())
$this->config = $config;
$this->inRollback = $inRollback;
$this->stage = $stage;
$this->parameters = $parameters;
* Indicates if the Task is running in a Rollback operation
* @return boolean
public function inRollback()
return $this->inRollback;
* Gets the Stage of the Deployment:
* - pre-deploy
* - deploy
* - post-deploy
* - post-release
* @return string
public function getStage()
return $this->stage;
* Gets the Configuration
* @return Config;
public function getConfig()
return $this->config;
* Initializes the Task, optional to implement
public function init()
* Returns a Parameter, or a default if not found
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
public function getParameter($name, $default = null)
return $this->getConfig()->getParameter($name, $default, $this->getParameters());
* @return array
protected function getParameters()
return $this->parameters;
* Runs a Shell Command Localy
* @param string $command
* @param string $output
* @return boolean
protected final function runCommandLocal($command, &$output = null)
return Console::executeCommand($command, $output);
* Runs a Shell Command on the Remote Host
* @param string $command
* @param string $output
* @param boolean $cdToDirectoryFirst
* @return boolean
protected final function runCommandRemote($command, &$output = null, $cdToDirectoryFirst = true)
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
if ($this instanceOf IsReleaseAware) {
$releasesDirectory = '';
} else {
$releasesDirectory = '/'
. $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases')
. '/'
. $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId();
} else {
$releasesDirectory = '';
// if general.yml includes "ssy_needs_tty: true", then add "-t" to the ssh command
$needs_tty = ($this->getConfig()->general('ssh_needs_tty',false) ? '-t' : '');
$localCommand = 'ssh ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostIdentityFileOption() . $needs_tty . ' -p ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostPort() . ' '
. '-q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '
. $this->getConfig()->deployment('user') . '@' . $this->getConfig()->getHostName();
$remoteCommand = str_replace('"', '\"', $command);
$remoteCommand = 'cd ' . rtrim($this->getConfig()->deployment('to'), '/') . $releasesDirectory . ' && ' . $remoteCommand;
$localCommand .= ' ' . '"sh -c \"' . $remoteCommand . '\""';
Console::log('Run remote command ' . $remoteCommand);
return $this->runCommandLocal($localCommand, $output);
* Runs a Shell Command Localy or in the Remote Host based on the Task Stage.
* If the stage is "deploy" then it will be executed in the remote host.
* @param string $command
* @param string $output
* @return boolean
protected final function runCommand($command, &$output = null)
if ($this->getStage() == self::STAGE_DEPLOY) {
return $this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
} else {
return $this->runCommandLocal($command, $output);
* adds a cd to the needed release if we work with releases.
* @param string $command
* @return string
protected function getReleasesAwareCommand($command)
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$deployToDirectory = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId();
return 'cd ' . $deployToDirectory . ' && ' . $command;
return $command;
protected $config = null;
* Indicates if the Task is running in a Rollback
* @var boolean
protected $inRollback = false;
* Indicates the Stage the Task is running ing
* @var string
protected $stage = null;
* Extra parameters
* @var array
protected $parameters = array();
* Returns the Title of the Task
* @return string
public abstract function getName();
* Runs the task
* @return boolean
* @throws Exception
* @throws ErrorWithMessageException
* @throws SkipException
public abstract function run();
* Task Constructor
* @param Config $config
* @param boolean $inRollback
* @param string $stage
* @param array $parameters
public final function __construct(Config $config, $inRollback = false, $stage = null, $parameters = array())
$this->config = $config;
$this->inRollback = $inRollback;
$this->stage = $stage;
$this->parameters = $parameters;
* Indicates if the Task is running in a Rollback operation
* @return boolean
public function inRollback()
return $this->inRollback;
* Gets the Stage of the Deployment:
* - pre-deploy
* - deploy
* - post-deploy
* - post-release
* @return string
public function getStage()
return $this->stage;
* Gets the Configuration
* @return Config;
public function getConfig()
return $this->config;
* Initializes the Task, optional to implement
public function init()
* Returns a Parameter, or a default if not found
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
public function getParameter($name, $default = null)
return $this->getConfig()->getParameter($name, $default, $this->getParameters());
* @return array
protected function getParameters()
return $this->parameters;
* Runs a Shell Command Localy
* @param string $command
* @param string $output
* @return boolean
protected final function runCommandLocal($command, &$output = null)
return Console::executeCommand($command, $output);
* Runs a Shell Command on the Remote Host
* @param string $command
* @param string $output
* @param boolean $cdToDirectoryFirst
* @return boolean
protected final function runCommandRemote($command, &$output = null, $cdToDirectoryFirst = true)
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
if ($this instanceOf IsReleaseAware) {
$releasesDirectory = '';
} else {
$releasesDirectory = '/'
. $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases')
. '/'
. $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId();
} else {
$releasesDirectory = '';
// if general.yml includes "ssy_needs_tty: true", then add "-t" to the ssh command
$needs_tty = ($this->getConfig()->general('ssh_needs_tty',false) ? '-t' : '');
$localCommand = 'ssh ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostIdentityFileOption() . $needs_tty . ' -p ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostPort() . ' '
. '-q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '
. $this->getConfig()->deployment('user') . '@' . $this->getConfig()->getHostName();
$remoteCommand = str_replace('"', '\"', $command);
$remoteCommand = 'cd ' . rtrim($this->getConfig()->deployment('to'), '/') . $releasesDirectory . ' && ' . $remoteCommand;
$localCommand .= ' ' . '"sh -c \"' . $remoteCommand . '\""';
Console::log('Run remote command ' . $remoteCommand);
return $this->runCommandLocal($localCommand, $output);
* Runs a Shell Command Localy or in the Remote Host based on the Task Stage.
* If the stage is "deploy" then it will be executed in the remote host.
* @param string $command
* @param string $output
* @return boolean
protected final function runCommand($command, &$output = null)
if ($this->getStage() == self::STAGE_DEPLOY) {
return $this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
} else {
return $this->runCommandLocal($command, $output);
* adds a cd to the needed release if we work with releases.
* @param string $command
* @return string
protected function getReleasesAwareCommand($command)
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$deployToDirectory = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId();
return 'cd ' . $deployToDirectory . ' && ' . $command;
return $command;
* @param $releasesDirectory
* @param $releaseId
* @return bool
protected function tarRelease($releaseId)
$result = true;
// for given release, check if tarred
$output = '';
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$currentReleaseDirectory = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $releaseId;
$currentReleaseDirectoryTemp = $currentReleaseDirectory . '_tmp/';
$currentRelease = $currentReleaseDirectory . '/' . $releaseId . '.tar.gz';
$command = 'test -e ' . $currentRelease . ' && echo "true" || echo ""';
$this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
// if not, do so
if (!$output) {
$commands = array();
$commands[] = 'mv ' . $currentReleaseDirectory . ' ' . $currentReleaseDirectoryTemp;
$commands[] = 'mkdir ' . $currentReleaseDirectory;
$commands[] = 'tar cfz ' . $currentRelease . ' ' . $currentReleaseDirectoryTemp;
$commands[] = 'rm -rf ' . $currentReleaseDirectoryTemp;
$command = implode(' && ', $commands);
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
return $result;
return $result;
protected function untarRelease($releaseId)
$result = true;
// for given release, check if tarred
$output = '';
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$currentReleaseDirectory = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $releaseId;
$currentReleaseDirectoryTemp = $currentReleaseDirectory . '_tmp/';
$currentRelease = $currentReleaseDirectory . '/' . $releaseId . '.tar.gz';
$command = 'test -e ' . $currentRelease . ' && echo "true" || echo ""';
$this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
// if tarred, untar now
if ($output) {
$commands = array();
$commands[] = 'tar xfz ' . $currentRelease;
$commands[] = 'rm -rf ' . $currentReleaseDirectory;
$commands[] = 'mv ' .$currentReleaseDirectoryTemp . ' ' . $currentReleaseDirectory;
$command = implode(' && ', $commands);
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
return $result;
return $result;


@ -25,73 +25,82 @@ class ReleaseTask extends AbstractTask implements IsReleaseAware, SkipOnOverride
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::getName()
public function getName()
return 'Releasing [built-in]';
public function getName()
return 'Releasing [built-in]';
* Releases a Deployment: points the current symbolic link to the release directory
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::run()
public function run()
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$symlink = $this->getConfig()->release('symlink', 'current');
* Releases a Deployment: points the current symbolic link to the release directory
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::run()
public function run()
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$symlink = $this->getConfig()->release('symlink', 'current');
if (substr($symlink, 0, 1) == '/') {
$releasesDirectory = rtrim($this->getConfig()->deployment('to'), '/') . '/' . $releasesDirectory;
$releaseId = $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId();
if (substr($symlink, 0, 1) == '/') {
$releasesDirectory = rtrim($this->getConfig()->deployment('to'), '/') . '/' . $releasesDirectory;
if ($this->getConfig()->release('compressreleases', false) == true) {
// Tar.gz releases
$result = $this->tarReleases() && $result;
// Untar new release
$result = $this->untarRelease($releaseId) && $result;
$currentCopy = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId();
$currentCopy = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $releaseId;
//Check if target user:group is specified
$userGroup = $this->getConfig()->deployment('owner');
// Fetch the user and group from base directory; defaults usergroup to 33:33
$user = '33';
$group = '33';
$directoryInfos = '';
// Get raw directory info and parse it in php.
// "stat" command don't behave the same on different systems, ls output format also varies
// and awk parameters need special care depending on the executing shell
$resultFetch = $this->runCommandRemote("ls -ld .", $directoryInfos);
//uniformize format as it depends on the system deployed on
$directoryInfos = trim(str_replace(array(" ", "\t"), ' ', $directoryInfos));
$infoArray = explode(' ', $directoryInfos);
if(!empty($infoArray[2])) {
$user = $infoArray[2];
if(!empty($infoArray[3])) {
$group = $infoArray[3];
$userGroup = $user . ':' . $group;
//Check if target user:group is specified
$userGroup = $this->getConfig()->deployment('owner');
// Fetch the user and group from base directory; defaults usergroup to 33:33
$user = '33';
$group = '33';
$directoryInfos = '';
// Get raw directory info and parse it in php.
// "stat" command don't behave the same on different systems, ls output format also varies
// and awk parameters need special care depending on the executing shell
$resultFetch = $this->runCommandRemote("ls -ld .", $directoryInfos);
//uniformize format as it depends on the system deployed on
$directoryInfos = trim(str_replace(array(" ", "\t"), ' ', $directoryInfos));
$infoArray = explode(' ', $directoryInfos);
if(!empty($infoArray[2])) {
$user = $infoArray[2];
if(!empty($infoArray[3])) {
$group = $infoArray[3];
$userGroup = $user . ':' . $group;
// Remove symlink if exists; create new symlink and change owners
$command = 'rm -f ' . $symlink
. ' ; '
. 'ln -sf ' . $currentCopy . ' ' . $symlink;
// Remove symlink if exists; create new symlink and change owners
$command = 'rm -f ' . $symlink
. ' ; '
. 'ln -sf ' . $currentCopy . ' ' . $symlink;
if ($resultFetch && $userGroup != '') {
$command .= ' && '
. 'chown -h ' . $userGroup . ' ' . $symlink
. ' && '
. 'chown -R ' . $userGroup . ' ' . $currentCopy
. ' && '
. 'chown ' . $userGroup . ' ' . $releasesDirectory;
if ($resultFetch && $userGroup != '') {
$command .= ' && '
. 'chown -h ' . $userGroup . ' ' . $symlink
. ' && '
. 'chown -R ' . $userGroup . ' ' . $currentCopy
. ' && '
. 'chown ' . $userGroup . ' ' . $releasesDirectory;
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command);
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command);
return $result;
return $result;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;


@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
namespace Mage\Task\BuiltIn\Deployment\Strategy;
use Mage\Console;
use Mage\Task\BuiltIn\Deployment\Strategy\BaseStrategyTaskAbstract;
use Mage\Task\Releases\IsReleaseAware;
@ -67,19 +68,19 @@ class TarGzTask extends BaseStrategyTaskAbstract implements IsReleaseAware
$command = 'tar cfz ' . $localTarGz . '.tar.gz ' . $excludeCmd . ' -C ' . $this->getConfig()->deployment('from') . ' .';
$result = $this->runCommandLocal($command);
$result = $this->runCommandLocal($command);
// Copy Tar Gz to Remote Host
$command = 'scp ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostIdentityFileOption() . '-P ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostPort() . ' ' . $localTarGz . '.tar.gz '
// Copy Tar Gz to Remote Host
$command = 'scp ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostIdentityFileOption() . '-P ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostPort() . ' ' . $localTarGz . '.tar.gz '
. $this->getConfig()->deployment('user') . '@' . $this->getConfig()->getHostName() . ':' . $deployToDirectory;
$result = $this->runCommandLocal($command) && $result;
$result = $this->runCommandLocal($command) && $result;
// Extract Tar Gz
$this->getReleasesAwareCommand('tar xfz ' . $remoteTarGz . '.tar.gz');
$command = $this->getReleasesAwareCommand('tar xfz ' . $remoteTarGz . '.tar.gz');
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command) && $result;
// Delete Tar Gz from Remote Host
$this->getReleasesAwareCommand('rm ' . $remoteTarGz . '.tar.gz');
$command = $this->getReleasesAwareCommand('rm ' . $remoteTarGz . '.tar.gz');
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command) && $result;
// Delete Tar Gz from Local


@ -27,168 +27,175 @@ class RollbackTask extends AbstractTask implements IsReleaseAware
* The Relase ID to Rollback To
* @var integer
protected $release = null;
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::getName()
public function getName()
return 'Rollback release [built-in]';
* Sets the Release ID to Rollback To
* @param integer $releaseId
* @return \Mage\Task\BuiltIn\Releases\RollbackTask
public function setRelease($releaseId)
$this->release = $releaseId;
return $this;
* Gets the Release ID to Rollback To
* @return integer
public function getRelease()
return $this->release;
* Performs a Rollback Operation
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::run()
public function run()
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$symlink = $this->getConfig()->release('symlink', 'current');
$output = '';
$result = $this->runCommandRemote('ls -1 ' . $releasesDirectory, $output);
$releases = ($output == '') ? array() : explode(PHP_EOL, $output);
if (count($releases) == 0) {
Console::output('Release are not available for <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray> ... <red>FAIL</red>');
} else {
$releaseIsAvailable = false;
if ($this->getRelease() == '') {
$releaseId = $releases[0];
$releaseIsAvailable = true;
} else if ($this->getRelease() <= 0) {
$index = $this->getRelease() * -1;
if (isset($releases[$index])) {
$releaseId = $releases[$index];
$releaseIsAvailable = true;
} else {
if (in_array($this->getRelease(), $releases)) {
$releaseId = $this->getRelease();
$releaseIsAvailable = true;
if (!$releaseIsAvailable) {
Console::output('Release <dark_gray>' . $this->getRelease() . '</dark_gray> is invalid or unavailable for <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray> ... <red>FAIL</red>');
} else {
Console::output('Rollback release on <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray>');
$rollbackTo = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $releaseId;
// Tasks
$tasks = 1;
$completedTasks = 0;
$tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks();
// Run Deploy Tasks
foreach ($tasksToRun as $taskData) {
$task = Factory::get($taskData, $this->getConfig(), true, self::STAGE_DEPLOY);
Console::output('Running <purple>' . $task->getName() . '</purple> ... ', 2, false);
if ($task instanceOf RollbackAware) {
$result = $task->run();
if ($result == true) {
Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<yellow>SKIPPED</yellow>', 0);
// Changing Release
Console::output('Running <purple>Rollback Release [id=' . $releaseId . ']</purple> ... ', 2, false);
$userGroup = '';
$resultFetch = $this->runCommandRemote('ls -ld ' . $rollbackTo . ' | awk \'{print \$3":"\$4}\'', $userGroup);
$command = 'rm -f ' . $symlink
. ' && '
. 'ln -sf ' . $rollbackTo . ' ' . $symlink;
if ($resultFetch) {
$command .= ' && chown -h ' . $userGroup . ' ' . $symlink;
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command);
if ($result) {
Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
// Run Post Release Tasks
$tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks(AbstractTask::STAGE_POST_DEPLOY);
foreach ($tasksToRun as $taskData) {
$task = Factory::get($taskData, $this->getConfig(), true, self::STAGE_POST_DEPLOY);
Console::output('Running <purple>' . $task->getName() . '</purple> ... ', 2, false);
if ($task instanceOf RollbackAware) {
$result = $task->run();
if ($result == true) {
Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<yellow>SKIPPED</yellow>', 0);
if ($completedTasks == $tasks) {
$tasksColor = 'green';
} else {
$tasksColor = 'red';
Console::output('Release rollback on <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray> compted: <' . $tasksColor . '>' . $completedTasks . '/' . $tasks . '</' . $tasksColor . '> tasks done.', 1, 3);
return $result;
} else {
return false;
protected $release = null;
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::getName()
public function getName()
return 'Rollback release [built-in]';
* Sets the Release ID to Rollback To
* @param integer $releaseId
* @return \Mage\Task\BuiltIn\Releases\RollbackTask
public function setRelease($releaseId)
$this->release = $releaseId;
return $this;
* Gets the Release ID to Rollback To
* @return integer
public function getRelease()
return $this->release;
* Performs a Rollback Operation
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::run()
public function run()
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$symlink = $this->getConfig()->release('symlink', 'current');
$output = '';
$result = $this->runCommandRemote('ls -1 ' . $releasesDirectory, $output);
$releases = ($output == '') ? array() : explode(PHP_EOL, $output);
if (count($releases) == 0) {
Console::output('Release are not available for <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray> ... <red>FAIL</red>');
} else {
$releaseIsAvailable = false;
if ($this->getRelease() == '') {
$releaseId = $releases[0];
$releaseIsAvailable = true;
} else if ($this->getRelease() <= 0) {
$index = $this->getRelease() * -1;
if (isset($releases[$index])) {
$releaseId = $releases[$index];
$releaseIsAvailable = true;
} else {
if (in_array($this->getRelease(), $releases)) {
$releaseId = $this->getRelease();
$releaseIsAvailable = true;
if (!$releaseIsAvailable) {
Console::output('Release <dark_gray>' . $this->getRelease() . '</dark_gray> is invalid or unavailable for <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray> ... <red>FAIL</red>');
} else {
Console::output('Rollback release on <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray>');
$rollbackTo = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $releaseId;
// Tasks
$tasks = 1;
$completedTasks = 0;
$tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks();
// Run Deploy Tasks
foreach ($tasksToRun as $taskData) {
$task = Factory::get($taskData, $this->getConfig(), true, self::STAGE_DEPLOY);
Console::output('Running <purple>' . $task->getName() . '</purple> ... ', 2, false);
if ($task instanceOf RollbackAware) {
$result = $task->run();
if ($result == true) {
Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<yellow>SKIPPED</yellow>', 0);
if ($this->getConfig()->release('compressreleases', false) == true) {
// Tar the current
$result = $this->tarReleases() && $result;
// Untar the rollbackto
$result = $this->untarRelease($releaseId) && $result;
// Changing Release
Console::output('Running <purple>Rollback Release [id=' . $releaseId . ']</purple> ... ', 2, false);
$userGroup = '';
$resultFetch = $this->runCommandRemote('ls -ld ' . $rollbackTo . ' | awk \'{print \$3":"\$4}\'', $userGroup);
$command = 'rm -f ' . $symlink
. ' && '
. 'ln -sf ' . $rollbackTo . ' ' . $symlink;
if ($resultFetch) {
$command .= ' && chown -h ' . $userGroup . ' ' . $symlink;
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command);
if ($result) {
Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
// Run Post Release Tasks
$tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks(AbstractTask::STAGE_POST_DEPLOY);
foreach ($tasksToRun as $taskData) {
$task = Factory::get($taskData, $this->getConfig(), true, self::STAGE_POST_DEPLOY);
Console::output('Running <purple>' . $task->getName() . '</purple> ... ', 2, false);
if ($task instanceOf RollbackAware) {
$result = $task->run();
if ($result == true) {
Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
} else {
Console::output('<yellow>SKIPPED</yellow>', 0);
if ($completedTasks == $tasks) {
$tasksColor = 'green';
} else {
$tasksColor = 'red';
Console::output('Release rollback on <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray> compted: <' . $tasksColor . '>' . $completedTasks . '/' . $tasks . '</' . $tasksColor . '> tasks done.', 1, 3);
return $result;
} else {
return false;