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Merge pull request #33 from marl-scot/ioncube

Added first version of the IonCube encoder extension task
Andrés Montañez 11 years ago
  1. 870
  2. 1


@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
* This allows intergrating IonCube PHP
* encoder into deployment system
* It takes the source path renames
* it to .raw creates a fresh source
* path and runs ioncube encoder placing
* encoded files into source folder.
* Afterwards it removes the old .raw
* folder This means that we dont have
* to change the source path within the
* main scripts and allows the built
* in rsync and other tasks to operate
* on the encrypted files.
* IonCube PHP Encoder can be downloaded from
* Example enviroment.yaml file at end
* @todo add support for creating license files.
* (c) ActWeb 2013
* (c) Matt Lowe (
* Extends Magallanes (c) Andrés Montañez <>
namespace Mage\Task\BuiltIn\Ioncube;
use Mage\Task\AbstractTask;
use Mage\Console;
use Mage\Task\ErrorWithMessageException;
class EncryptTask extends AbstractTask {
* Name of the task
* @var string
private $name = 'IonCube Encoder';
* Array of default Ioncube
* options
* @var array
private $default = array ();
* Array of YAML Ioncube
* options
* @var array
private $yaml = array ();
* Array of file Ioncube
* options (taken from additional
* external config file if supplied)
* @var array
private $file = array ();
* Source directory as used by
* main scripts
* @var string
private $source = '';
* Name of tempory folder
* for source code to be moved
* to.
* @var string
private $ionSource = '';
* How the default/yaml/project
* files interact with each other
* @var string
private $ionOverRide = '';
* Config options from the
* enviroment config file
* @var array
private $mageConfig = array ();
* Final version of the IonCube
* options, after merging all
* sources together
* @var array
private $ionCubeConfig = array ();
* Default encoder version to use
* for the ioncube encoder
* @var string
private $encoder = 'ioncube_encoder54';
* Name of tempory IonCube Project
* file, used when running encoder
* @var string
private $projectFile = '';
* If true then run a check on
* all files after encoding and
* report which ones are not encoded
* if any are found to not be encoded
* then prompt if we should continue
* with the process
* If not then clean up the temp files
* and exit with cancled code.
* @var bool
private $checkEncoding = false;
* List of file extensions to exclude
* from encrypted/encoded test
* @var array
private $checkIgnoreExtens = array();
* List of paths to exclude from
* encrypted/encoded test
* Paths must begin with '/'
* and are all relative to the
* project root
* @var array
private $checkIgnorePaths = array();
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::getName()
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::init()
public function init() {
// Set the default extensions to ignore
$this->checkIgnoreExtens = array (
// Get any options specfic to this task
$this->mageConfig = $this->getConfig()->environmentConfig( 'ioncube' );
* Get all our IonCube config options
* get the source code location
$this->source = $this->getConfig ()->deployment ( 'from' );
* remove trailing slash if present
if (substr ( $this->source, - 1 ) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
$this->source = substr ( $this->source, 0, - 1 );
* Set the name of the folder that the un-encrypted
* files will be moved into
$this->ionSource = $this->source . '.raw';
* set the filename for the ioncube project build file
$this->projectFile = $this->source . '.prj';
* Check if we have been given an encoder script
* If not then we will just use the default
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['encoder'] )) {
$this->encoder = $this->mageConfig ['encoder'];
* Check if a differant merge type has been
* supplied, this defines how the 3 differant
* config files will be merged together.
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['override'] )) {
$this->ionOverRide = $this->mageConfig ['override'];
* Check if we have been asked to
* confirm all encodings
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['checkencoding'])) {
* Check if we have been passed any extra
* file extensions to exclude from
* encrypt/encode file check
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['checkignoreextens'])) {
$this->checkIgnoreExtens=array_merge($this->ignoreExtens, $this->mageConfig['ignoreextens']);
* Check if we have been passed any extra
* file paths/files to exclude from
* encrypt/encode file check
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['checkignorepaths'])) {
$this->checkIgnorePaths=array_merge($this->checkIgnorePaths, $this->mageConfig['checkignorepaths']);
* now merge all the config options together
$this->ionCubeConfig = $this->mergeConfigFiles ();
* This gets all the Ioncube configs
* Basicly it gets the default options contianed within this script
* It reads any project options from the enviroment.yaml config file
* It reads any additional options from external project file if set
* @return void
private function _getAllIonCubeConfigs()
* Get a set of default IonCube options
$this->default = $this->getOptionsDefault ();
* Check if there is a 'project' section,
* if so then get the options from there
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['project'] )) {
$this->yaml = $this->getOptionsFromYaml ( $this->mageConfig ['project'] );
} else {
$this->yaml = array (
's' => array (),
'p' => array ()
* Check if a seperate projectfile has been specified, and if so
* then read the options from there.
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['projectfile'] )) {
$this->file = $this->getOptionsFromFile ( $this->mageConfig ['projectfile'] );
} else {
$this->file = array (
's' => array (),
'p' => array ()
* Encrypt the project
* Steps are as follows :
* Switch our current source dir to the ioncube srouce dir and create new empty dir to encrypt into
* Write the IonCube project file (this is the file that controls IonCube encoder)
* Run IonCube encoder
* Delete the tempory files that we created (so long as we hadn't set 'keeptemp')
* Return the result of the IonCube encoder
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::run()
* @return bool
public function run() {
$this->switchSrcToTmp ();
$this->writeProjectFile ();
$result = $this->runIonCube ();
Console::output("Encoding result :".($result ? '<green>OK</green>' : '<red>Bad!</red>')."\n", 0, 2);
if (!$result) {
$this->deleteTmpFiles ();
throw new ErrorWithMessageException('Ioncube failed to encode your project :'.$result);
if (($this->checkEncoding) && (!$this->checkEncoding())) {
throw new ErrorWithMessageException('Operation canceled by user.');
$this->deleteTmpFiles ();
return $result;
* Runs through all files in the encoded
* folders and lists any that are not
* encoded. If any are found then prompt
* user to continue or quit.
* If user quites, then clean out encoded
* files, and return true to indicate error
* @return bool
private function checkEncoding() {
$src = $this->source;
// $ask holds flag to indicate we need to prompt the end user
$ask = false;
// scan through the directory
$rit = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator ( $src );
foreach ( new \RecursiveIteratorIterator ( $rit ) as $filename => $cur ) {
// get the 'base dir' for the project, eg. relative to the temp folder
$srcFileName = (str_replace ( $this->source, '', $filename ));
* Scan through the ignor directorys array
* and if it matches the current path/filename
* then mark the file to be skipped from testing
$skip = false;
foreach ( $this->checkIgnorePaths as $path ) {
if (fnmatch ( $path, $srcFileName )) {
$skip = true;
// check if we should test this file
if (! $skip) {
// get the file exten for this file and compare to our fileexten exclude array
$exten = pathinfo ( $filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
if (! in_array ( strtolower ( $exten ), $this->checkIgnoreExtens )) {
// ok, this extension needs to be checked
if ($this->checkFileCoding ( $filename )) {
// file was encrypted/encoded
} else {
// file was not encrypted/encoded
Console::output("<blue>File :" . $srcFileName . "</blue> -> <red>Was not encrypted</red>", 0, 1);
$ask = true;
if ($ask) {
// ok lets ask the user if they want to procede
Console::output("\n\nDo you wish to procede (y/N):", 0, 0);
if (! $this->promptYn ()) {
return false;
return true;
* This simply for user to enter
* 'y' or 'Y' and press enter, if
* a single 'y' is not entered then
* false is returned, otherwise
* true is returned.
* @return bool True if 'y' pressed
private function promptYn() {
$handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r");
$line = strtolower(fgets($handle));
if(trim($line) != 'y'){
return false;
return true;
* This will take the passed file and try to
* work out if it is an encoded/encrypted
* ioncube file.
* It dosent test the file exten, as it
* expects the calling method to have done
* that before.
* @param string $filename Filename, with path, to check
* @return boolean True if file was encoded/encrypted
private function checkFileCoding($filename) {
// check to see if this is an encrypted file
$ioncube = ioncube_read_file ( $filename, $ioncubeType );
if (is_int ( $ioncube )) {
// we got an error from ioncube, so its encrypted
return true;
// read first line of file
$f = fopen ( $filename, 'r' );
$line = trim ( fgets ( $f, 32 ) );
fclose ( $f );
// if first line is longer than 30, then this isnt a php file
if (strlen ( $line ) > 30) {
return false;
// if first line starts '<?php //0' then we can be pretty certain its encoded
if (substr ( $line, 0, 9 ) == '<?php //0') {
return true;
// otherwise its most likley un-encrypted/encoded
return false;
* Deletes tempory folder and project file
* if 'keeptemp' is set then skips delete
* process
* @throws ErrorWithMessageException If there was a problem with deleting the tempory files
* @return void
private function deleteTmpFiles() {
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['keeptemp'] )) {
Console::log('Deleting tempory files :', 1);
$ret1 = Console::executeCommand ( 'rm -Rf ' . $this->ionSource, $out1 );
$ret2 = Console::executeCommand ( 'rm ' . $this->projectFile, $out2 );
if ($ret1 && $ret2) {
throw new ErrorWithMessageException ( 'Error deleting temp files :' . $out1 . ' : ' . $out2, 40 );
* Builds the ioncube command
* and runs it, returning the result
* @return bool
private function runIonCube() {
$cli = $this->encoder . ' --project-file ' . $this->projectFile . ' ' . $this->ionSource . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'*';
$ret = Console::executeCommand ( $cli, $out );
return $ret;
* Write the config options into
* a project file ready for use
* with ioncube cli
* @throws ErrorWithMessageException If it cant write the project file
* @return void
private function writeProjectFile() {
// array used to build config file into
$out = array ();
// set the project destination
$out [] = '--into ' . $this->source . PHP_EOL;
// output the switches
foreach ( $this->ionCubeConfig ['s'] as $key => $value ) {
if ($value) {
// switch was set to true, so output it
$out [] = '--' . $key . PHP_EOL;
// output the options
foreach ( $this->ionCubeConfig ['p'] as $key => $value ) {
// check if we have an array of values
if (is_array ( $value )) {
foreach ( $value as $entry ) {
$out [] = '--' . $key . ' "' . $entry . '"' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
// ok just a normal single option
if (strlen ( $value ) > 0) {
$out [] = '--' . $key . ' "' . $value . '"' . PHP_EOL;
$ret = file_put_contents ( $this->projectFile, $out );
if (! $ret) {
// something went wrong
$this->deleteTmpFiles ();
throw new ErrorWithMessageException ( 'Unable to create project file.', 20 );
* This merges the 3 config arrays
* depending on the 'override' option
* @return array Final config array
private function mergeConfigFiles() {
* Options are the order the arrays are in
* F - Project File
* Y - YAML config options (enviroment file)
* D - Default options as stored in script
* more options could be added to make this a bit more flexable
* @todo I'm sure this could be combined into a loop to make it easier and shorter
$s = array ();
$p = array ();
switch (strtolower ( $this->ionOverRide )) {
case 'fyd' :
$s = array_merge ( $this->file ['s'], $this->yaml ['s'], $this->default ['s'] );
$p = array_merge ( $this->file ['p'], $this->yaml ['p'], $this->default ['p'] );
case 'yfd' :
$s = array_merge ( $this->yaml ['s'], $this->file ['s'], $this->default ['s'] );
$p = array_merge ( $this->yaml ['p'], $this->file ['p'], $this->default ['p'] );
case 'dyf' :
$s = array_merge ( $this->default ['s'], $this->yaml ['s'], $this->file ['s'] );
$p = array_merge ( $this->default ['p'], $this->yaml ['p'], $this->file ['p'] );
case 'd' :
default :
// Use defaults only
$s = $this->default ['s'];
$p = $this->default ['p'];
return array (
's' => $s,
'p' => $p
* Switches the original source
* code dir to tempory name
* and recreates orginal dir
* allows encryption to be done
* into source dir, so other functions
* work without changing
* @throws ErrorWithMessageException If source dir can't be renamed
* @throws ErrorWithMessageException If original source dir cant be created
* @return bool
private function switchSrcToTmp() {
//echo "\nSwitching :" . $this->source . " -> To :" . $this->ionSource."\n";
$ret = Console::executeCommand ( 'mv ' . $this->source . ' ' . $this->ionSource, $out );
if (! $ret) {
throw new ErrorWithMessageException ( 'Cant create tmp dir :' . $out, $ret );
$ret = Console::executeCommand ( 'mkdir -p ' . $this->source, $out );
if (! $ret) {
throw new ErrorWithMessageException ( 'Cant re-create dir :' . $out, $ret );
return true;
* Reads a set of options taken from the YAML config
* Compares keys against the default ioncube settings
* if a key doesnt appear in the default options, it
* is ignored
* return array
private function getOptionsFromYaml($options) {
$s = array ();
$p = array ();
foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) {
if (array_key_exists ( $key, $this->default ['s'] )) {
$s [$key] = true;
if (array_key_exists ( $key, $this->default ['p'] )) {
$p [$key] = $value;
return array (
's' => $s,
'p' => $p
* reads an existing ioncube project
* file.
* @return array
private function getOptionsFromFile($fileName) {
$s = array ();
$p = array ();
$fileContents = file_get_contents ( $fileName );
* split the config file on every occurance of '--' at start of a line
* Adds a PHP_EOL at the start, so we can catch the first '--'
$entrys = explode ( PHP_EOL . '--', PHP_EOL . $fileContents );
foreach ( $entrys as $line ) {
$line = trim ( $line );
if ($line != '') {
* get position of first space
* so we can split the options out
$str = strpos ( $line, ' ' );
if ($str === false) {
* Ok, no spaces found, so take this as a single line
$str = strlen ( $line );
$key = substr ( $line, $str );
$value = substr ( $line, $str + 1 );
if ((array_key_exists ( $key, $this->default ['s'] ))) {
* ok this key appears in the switch config
* so store it as a switch
$s [$key] = true;
if ((array_key_exists ( $key, $this->default ['p'] ))) {
* Ok this key exists in the parameter section,
* So store it allong with its value
$p [$key] = $this->splitParam ( $value );
return array (
's' => $s,
'p' => $p
* Takes supplied line and splits it if required
* into an array
* returns ether the array, or a plain
* string.
* Allows options to be spread accross several lines
* @param $string String to split
* @return mixed
private function splitParam($string) {
$split = explode ( PHP_EOL, $string );
if ($split === false) {
// nothing found, so return a blank string
return '';
if (count ( $split ) == 1) {
return $split [0];
} else {
return $split;
* returns an array of default ioncube options
* This is also used as a 'filter' for the YAML
* and Config files, if an option hasnt got an
* entry in this list, then it can not be set
* via the VAML or Config files
* @return array
private function getOptionsDefault() {
$s = array ();
$p = array ();
// Set the switches
$s ['allow-encoding-into-source'] = false;
$s ['ascii'] = false;
$s ['binary'] = true;
$s ['replace-target'] = true;
$s ['merge-target'] = false;
$s ['rename-target'] = false;
$s ['update-target'] = false;
$s ['only-include-encoded-files'] = false;
$s ['use-hard-links'] = false;
$s ['without-keeping-file-perms'] = false;
$s ['without-keeping-file-times'] = false;
$s ['without-keeping-file-owner'] = false;
$s ['no-short-open-tags'] = false;
$s ['ignore-strict-warnings'] = false;
$s ['ignore-deprecated-warnings'] = false;
$s ['without-runtime-loader-support'] = false;
$s ['without-loader-check'] = false;
$s ['disable-auto-prepend-append'] = true;
$s ['no-doc-comments'] = true;
// Now set the params
$p ['encrypt'] [] = '*.tpl.html';
$p ['encode'] = array ();
$p ['copy'] = array ();
$p ['ignore'] = array (
$p ['keep'] = array ();
$p ['obfuscate'] = '';
$p ['obfuscation-key'] = '';
$p ['obfuscation-exclusion-file'] = '';
$p ['expire-in'] = '7d';
$p ['expire-on'] = '';
$p ['allowed-server'] = '';
$p ['with-license'] = 'license.txt';
$p ['passphrase'] = '';
$p ['license-check'] = '';
$p ['apply-file-user'] = '';
$p ['apply-file-group'] = '';
$p ['register-autoglobal'] = array ();
$p ['message-if-no-loader'] = '';
$p ['action-if-no-loader'] = '';
$p ['loader-path'] = '';
$p ['preamble-file'] = '';
$p ['add-comment'] = array ();
$p ['add-comments'] = '';
$p ['loader-event'] = array ();
$p ['callback-file'] = '';
$p ['property'] = '';
$p ['propertys'] = '';
$p ['include-if-property'] = array ();
$p ['optimise'] = 'max';
$p ['shell-script-line'] = '';
$p ['min-loader-version'] = '';
return array (
's' => $s,
'p' => $p
* Example evirmonment YAML file :
user: marl
from: ./
to: /var/www/test1
type: git
from: master
ioncube: test
enabled: true
symlink: current
directory: releases
- localhost
- ioncube/encrypt
override: dyf
encoder: ioncube_encoder54
checkencoding: true
projfile: project.prj
- _*
- templates_c/*
- *~
- specs/
- composer.json
- .git/
- .project
- .settings/
- .buildpath
message-if-no-loader: "System error No Loader"
passphrase: "My really secure passphrase"
- templates/*
- 'Comment 1'
- 'Comment 2'
- "(c) ACTweb 2013"
- "Draft Version"
- corrupt-file=Corupted files
- expired-file=System needs updated
- no-permissions=Not allowed on this server
- clock-skew=Time incorect
- license-not-found=License not installed
- license-corrupt=Something wrong with your license
- license-expired=Out of time
- license-property-invalid=Invalid license data
- license-header-invalid=Files corupted
- license-server-invalid=Server problem
- unauth-including-file=Sorry these files can only be used within defined software
- unauth-included-file=Crtical Software Error
- unauth-append-prepend-file=System can not be used with PHP Prepend/Append set


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