getConfig()->getArgument(1); try { switch ($subCommand) { case 'environment': $this->_environment(); break; } } catch (Exception $e) { Mage_Console::output('' . $e->getMessage() . '', 1, 2); } } private function _environment() { $withReleases = $this->getConfig()->getParameter('enableReleases', false); $environmentName = strtolower($this->getConfig()->getParameter('name')); if ($environmentName == '') { throw new Exception('You must specify a name for the environment.'); } $environmentConfigFile = '.mage/config/environment/' . $environmentName . '.yml'; if (file_exists($environmentConfigFile)) { throw new Exception('The environment already exists.'); } Mage_Console::output('Adding new environment: ' . $environmentName . ''); $releasesConfig = 'releases:' . PHP_EOL . ' enabled: true' . PHP_EOL . ' max: 10' . PHP_EOL . ' symlink: current' . PHP_EOL . ' directory: releases' . PHP_EOL; $baseConfig = '#' . $environmentName . PHP_EOL . 'deployment:' . PHP_EOL . ' user: dummy' . PHP_EOL . ' from: ./' . PHP_EOL . ' to: /var/www/vhosts/' . PHP_EOL . ' excludes:' . PHP_EOL . ($withReleases ? $releasesConfig : '') . 'hosts:' . PHP_EOL . 'tasks:' . PHP_EOL . ' pre-deploy:' . PHP_EOL . ' on-deploy:' . PHP_EOL . ' - deployment/rsync' . PHP_EOL . ($withReleases ? (' post-release:' . PHP_EOL) : '') . ' post-deploy:' . PHP_EOL; $result = file_put_contents($environmentConfigFile, $baseConfig); if ($result) { Mage_Console::output('Success!! Environment config file for ' . $environmentName . ' created successfully at ' . $environmentConfigFile . ''); Mage_Console::output('So please! Review and adjust its configuration.', 2, 2); } else { Mage_Console::output('Error!! Unable to create config file for environment called ' . $environmentName . '', 1, 2); } } }